Monday 14 January 2008

Helpful & Compassionate Passengers ...

Looks like any normal winter's evening, except for it was raining at this point !!

The guard on this train was getting quite a bit of stick from passengers, who on the way home towards West Kirby had been delayed at Conway Park for 11 minutes, due to an 'Incident on the line ahead of this train'.

It turns out that someone in the Wallasey area had tried to commit suicide by lying on the rails, luckily the train driver had seen him and been able to stop before any damage had been done to said person. Due to this the electricity is cut off to prevent people getting a good old frying, they then switch it back on section, by section and get other trains and lines back to normal as soon as possible.

Certain passengers were very disgruntled and told the guard so, that the person trying to kill themselves was selfish and they had delayed them getting home to their sad little lives !!! Was it going to be back to normal later, will there be cancellations ??? Why did they have to try and kill themselves in the peak hour, why didn't they do it when it was a bit quiter and they wouldn't inconvenience many people !! Yes, this is absolutely true.

To be honest, I would shoot those that showed the compassion of a battering ram !!

So here is a word of advice ..... If you ever plan to kill yourself, think about others first and don't inconvenience them !!

Tuesday 1 January 2008

Welcome to 2008, Liverpool, Capital of Culture year

Happy New Year and welcome to 2008

What did I do ?

I had to go to work, no fun and frivolity for me last night :(