Monday 12 November 2007

In The Beginning ..............

In the beginning there was steam .................. In 1886 the Mersey Railway started a rail service between Rock Ferry and Liverpool, also Birkenhead Park to Liverpool.

They originally used steam powered locomotives to pull the carriages, this was most unsatisfactory as most of the lines were underground and steam/smoke and tunnels dont give much chance for oxygen to circulate !!

The result - A failure and people went back to the Ferries .

They later went on to use the new fangled electricity to power the trains from a 3rd rail next to the existing running rails, now this was better, people could now breathe in the air underground.

I might use this blog to give anecdotes of history, if I can be bothered to, or it may just be my experiences at Merseyrail, we will see what happens.

Come back soon .. . . . . .

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